

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Genealogy By the States – Week 26 – Michigan


Michigan is very near and dear to my heart.  Some of my favorite ancestors are associated with Michigan.  In fact, two of my fifth great-grandfathers were early settlers in Oakland County, arriving while Michigan was still a territory in the early 1820s.  While a lot of my research is in Oakland County, my family is actually all over the state; they can be found in 64 of the current 83 counties in Michigan.  Looking at the map, that’s a lot of places to research for a single state!


For a list of Michigan resources, check out my Diigo library.  Be sure to check back often or follow the RSS feed as I am always adding to it.

Genealogy By the States is a theme created by Jim Sanders over at the Hidden Genealogy Nuggets blog.


1 comment:

SallySearches said...

Mine as well! I have original landowners in Ingham and Shiawassee counties. I was fortunate to live in Michigan for a few years and was happy to visit farmsland and cemeteries :)

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