

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Finds – 01/15/10

Weekly column sharing genealogy-related things that I’ve learned or found.

When I upgraded from Windows XP to 7 I forgot to back up my blog drafts that were saved locally, so I lost the post I started for this week’s Finds.  I remember some of them, but I know I’ve missed some.  Here are the one I remember.

Article – Granny Pam over at Granny’s Genealogy posted two wonderful articles in October, each having to do with land records.  I particularly like the template she created to abstract/extract data from deeds while working in the courthouse.  Be sure to take a look at both posts, as well as her series of posts regarding land records:  Wexford County Deeds, Part 2 and Land Records, what next?.

ListIndexes to Michigan Newspapers

Article - Katrina McQuarrie at Kick-Ass Genealogy wrote a great article about organizing genealogy files.  She gives the basic idea of how the systems works and provides ideas to modify the system to suit your own needs.  Be sure to read the article Colour Coding for Fun and Profit.

Article – Over at Lineage Keeper, I found an interesting article, Possessions of Mayflower Passengers.




GrannyPam said...

Thanks for the mention, Julie. Sorry you lost your files. I use a desktop client to draft blog posts, too. I have it included in my regular backups, but a reminder about the upgrade was timely. If I ever get around to it, I have three computers around here I am upgrading to Windows 7.

Julie said...

I lost all my drafts, articles I start and never seem to finish, although I don't think any were research-related (thankfully). The drafts were likely posted to a default folder and I just missed it when I backed everything up. Unfortunately, I already deleted the Old Windows folder that was created as I needed to free up memory when reinstalling my apps. So it's simply gone, but at least that's all that's gone...it could be worse!

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