I’ve been awarded the Puckerbrush Award of Excellence by Cheryl Palmer over at Heritage Happens.
The award was created in honor of genealogy blogger Janice Brown by Terry Thornton, author of "Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi", who explained that "Janice told us all about the word 'puckerbrush' in an article she posted August 27, 2007 at "Cow Hampshire". Terry elaborated a bit further in a comment: 'On any land allowed to go fallow and left untended, a wild assortment of wild plants grow – in some areas, this wild growth results in such a thicket of plants that it is almost impossible to push your way through the growth. So it is with the growth of blogs --- so many that it is impossible to read them all. But in the puckerbrush eventually a few plants/trees become dominant and influence all who view them through the thick surrounding puckerbrush. And it is those outstanding blogs whose influence spreads beyond just the surrounding rabble of puckerbrush that I'm honoring.' Terry issued this challenge: Henceforth these awards will be called the Janice Brown Puckerbrush Blog Award for Excellence. All blog authors are hereby challenged to name the ten blogs which have influenced their writing the most and list them as a tribute to Janice --- the Janice Brown Puckerbrush Blog Awards for Excellence.
I want to thank Cheryl and honor the following ten blogs, as they have inspired me in some way.
- AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors
- Genea-Musings
- Small-Leaved Shamrock
- Destination: Austin Family
- All My Branches Genealogy
- The Educated Genealogist
- George Geder
- Creative Gene
- Granny’s Genealogy
- The Lineage Keeper
Thanks Julie for the award for Destination: Austin Family - you run a great blog and it is a real asset to the geneablogging community!
Thomas MacEntee
Geneabloggers/Destination: Austin Family
You're welcome Thomas! And that reminds me, I forgot to let these fantastic bloggers know I nominated them...better run and do that!
First of all, thank you. Then, I have also nominated you. I read your every post! I nominated you for the Puckerbrush Award of Excellence, (see http://www.warrenweb.info/genealogy/?p=2345 ).
I guess I should have let you (and everyone else) know that I bestowed the Puckerbrush on you last week: Puckerbrushed by Randy.
Thanks so much, Julie, for the honor. You have certainly been an inspiration, too. You jumped right into the world of geneablogging and haven't stopped since! I hope we'll both be online "neighbors" for a long time.
100 Years in America
Small-leaved Shamrock
A light that shines again
Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture
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