

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fearless Females – Memorial Pages

Back in 2010, in honor of Women’s History Month, Lisa Alzo created a list of writing prompts for each day during the month of March.  I didn’t participate in 2010, so I’m going to take the opportunity to participate this year, since Lisa was kind enough to resurrect her prompts for 2012.

Create a free Fold3 Memorial Page or a Genealogy Trading Card at Big Huge Labs for a female ancestor. Some of you may have created your own card back in September 2009 following Sheri Fenley’s post over at The Educated Genealogist. This time, the card is for your female ancestor. Tell us about who you've selected and why and then post a link to what you've created.

I had previously created or contributed to five memorial pages at Fold3, one for my dad and one for each of my grandparents.  For my grandparents, I started with the SSDI entry and added a few facts and a photo or two.  It’s been almost two years since I did that.  Because of this prompt, I went ahead and updated all five pages, added sources, and some more images.

Since this prompt deals with female ancestors, here are the links to the pages for my grandmothers.  I hope that some of my family members will take the time to add their memories and stories to these pages.

Read all of my Fearless Females posts.


1 comment:

John-John said...

You can also do some great<a href="http://www.everta.lk>memorial pages</a> for your loves ones on the net using Everta application. Please do have a try to install the application in your FB page so that you could have a nice and memorial pages for your past beloved ones.

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